"Keep Learning Keep Building"

Who am I?

Building and learning are two sides of the same coin for me.
Fueled by curiosity, I started building things for the Web at a young age.

I believe in the power of sharing knowledge and am passionate about fostering strong leadership skills.


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Tools and Frameworks

Projects and Products

List of all the featured products or side projects I have

Streamlining Project, Client, Finance, and Team Management

Streamlining Project, Client, Finance, and Team Management

Teckle is an all-in-one platform designed for freelancers and small teams to efficiently manage their projects, clients, finances, and teams.

Teckle - 2024liveside project

Online food delivery web app

Online food delivery web app

Zwigato is a comprehensive food delivery platform designed to streamline the process of discovering and ordering food from local restaurants.

Zwigato - 2024liveside project

Create property to showcase for sell or rent

Create property to showcase for sell or rent

EstateEase is a comprehensive real estate platform designed to streamline the process of discovering and listing properties for sale or rent.

EstateEase - 2024liveside project

Simplifying Form Creation and Data Collection

Simplifying Form Creation and Data Collection

The FormCraft is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the process of creating and sharing forms for data collection.

FormCraft - 2024liveside project

Frameworks & Tech

These are the tools and frameworks with which I feel more comfortable without limiting myself to them because I have worked with React, Next, Node, Express and many more... My main stack is:

Next.js, React

App dir, Routing, Layouts, Loading UI and API routes.

Amazon Web Services

Servers and Deploy

AWS and Vercel


Mongodb ORM Prisma and Postgresql


UI components built using Shadcn UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.


Authentication using Auth0 and middlewares.


Free and paid subscriptions using Stripe.

Teclado MacBook

People who inspire me

You may be interested in the following profiles. Top profiles in social networks that share a lot of knowledge.